Rafting the Grand Canyon – A Trip OF My Lifetime

Peace Out internet. I’m going rafting.

I can’t believe this adventure is finally here. We’ve been on the road towards the Grand Canyon for a little over two hours now and every minute we’re getting closer to what many people have told me will not only be a rare and amazing journey, but will be the Trip of a Lifetime.

Call me optimistic, but calling anything the Trip of a Lifetime seems a bit narrow-minded. Who are they to say that this adventure will be the best or most unique of my life? I hope this is not the only time I get to raft down this canyon and I definitely know that in my lifetime I’ll be doing everything I can to create other adventures just as epic as this. I’m only 24 years old and can barely commit to plans a month in advance, there is no way I’m going to let them declare this trip THE ONE of my life, especially before it has even begun.

But that isn’t to say that I’m not feeling the excitement build now that we’re on our way. This will definitely be an adventure OF my lifetime, something I’ll remember forever and will push me both physically and emotionally. It’s really absurd to think about just how rare of an opportunity spending 21 days living off a boat in one of the most beautiful and exciting canyons in The World really is. I know I’m lucky. And I’m definitely grateful.

grand start (1) 600pxThe river rafting thing won’t be new, my family has taken week long trips almost every summer I can remember, loading and unloading boats at a new camp each night and falling asleep to the sound of the water, but this trip is different. If things are bigger in the west then things are EVEN BIGGER in the Grand Canyon. The water is colder, the rapids are more dangerous, the trip is longer and the stakes are higher. It isn’t one of the Seven Wonders of the World for nothing and getting a permission to run this river is so valuable people used to wait 15 years for their waitlist number to come up.

In 2006 that system changed to a weighted lottery, giving people who hadn’t run the river within 5 years a few extra chances to win and people like me the chance to run the river before my hair turns gray. Over a year ago a family friend found out he’d won an October 1, 2013 launch date and ever since we’ve been doing everything we can to make sure the trip happens and happens well.

Ten people are going on our 21 day noncommercial trip, one girl has plans to hike out halfway through and we’ll meet up with another friend as he hikes in to replace her. We’ve packed four boats, four coolers, eight dry boxes, and countless river bags over the last few weeks in preparation, spent who knows how much money buying wet suits and dry tops and river shoes and real sunglasses and food and booze, watched 40 minutes of required educational videos and wiled away millions more hours planning and stressing and giggling about our upcoming trip that has finally arrived. I don’t know how to feel or think or breathe and all I can really say is that I’m so grateful to be sitting in this van right now.

We’re about to row 226 miles from Lee’s Ferry to Diamond Creek, taking 21 days and carrying everything we’ll need in and out of the Grand Canyon. There will be crazy rapids, cold water, rattlesnakes, beautiful waterfalls, slot canyons, serene rivers, tons of stars and 9 other people that I’ll live and work with everyday. I don’t know what exactly will happen next, but I think I’m finally allowing myself to hope that it will really turn out to be One of the Best Trips of My Lifetime.

grand start (3) 600pxSee you in 21 days!