Las Vegas on the Free… or at least Cheap

I love Vegas. And hate spending money.

Sure hotels, drinks and gambling can get expensive but no one can deny the endless wandering potential that is Las Vegas, Nevada. Even if the entire city was deserted it would still be mesmerizing, throw in a couple thousand people looking for a good time and you’ve got limitless entertainment that legitimately never sleeps. So here are a few free things I love:

free vegas 250px1.  Fine Art Gallery. Whether or not you know anything about art, you need to find your way to the Bellagio’s  Cirque Du Soleil’ Fine Art Gallery  outside the “O” Theatre. I stumbled in here accidentally while looking for trouble (I have a penchant for walking past do not enter signs) and stayed over an hour, admiring the bronze-sculpted dancers and talking about life with the curator on duty. It helped that he was young and attractive (and had more than a few travel tips to give me for my upcoming jaunt around the world), but it was more than that too, the sculptures felt so real, like the artist had imprisoned a part of each soul in the textile. 

2.  Look Up. I know, I know this one isn’t technically ‘a’ free thing to do but I dare you to choose just one of the ridiculously amazing ceilings you can find yourself under while in this city. In a strip where everything is thrown in your face, it’s nice to be reminded how small we all are. Here are only a few that I took the time to take photos of (and you haven’t even gotten me started on the floors). Architecture is bad vegas 600px ceiling

free vegas 250px money3.  Gambling Lessons. Okay, so I actually didn’t try these out when I was there this weekend (only because there were too many other awesome things going on), but I know they exist and have heard only great things about them.  Next time I go I’ll get to meet new people, learn a new skill and maybe even be able to teach someone else someday!

Turns out if you’re like me and would rather not plan ahead you can walk up to ANY table in ANY casino and learn the game in real time. You aren’t obligated to participate (though they will ask to see your ID) but most dealers and players are most are more than happy to let you watch their game. I think it’s fun to try to figure out the rules on my own but if you stand by the right person they’ll likely try to teach you anyway, maybe they’ll even let you play their chips to snag a bit of your beginners luck.


free vegas 250px katBargain Bonus:

Not all things in life are free, but some are SUPER CHEAP!

It’s no secret that the best street performers in the country flock to Vegas to perfect their craft. And while you can actually get away with doing this for free, my advice is to skip the large crowds around the magic trick boys and step next door to get a private show from the bucket playing drummer or the dobro playing guitarist. The break dancers are more talk than actual show and if you take a minute to really listen to the musicians you won’t regret it. I stopped by Charles’ show at the end of my night and was absolutely blown away. I loved it so much I even came back for more once my friends went to bed. He gave me a CD for a tip (he didn’t see that I slipped in a 10, for all he knew it could have been a quarter) and held my hand too long for friendship as he thanked me and asked me my name. I don’t know what you’re hoping for out of a trip to Vegas but that $10 and eye contact was the best money I spent all weekend.